Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Are you really love Anime? or just a fake?

Real Anime Lovers: Know at least more than 10 series.
Fake Anime Lovers: Know only naruto.

Real Anime Lovers: Learn japanese from watching anime.
Fake Anime Lovers: Don't even bother to learn japanese.

Real Anime Lovers: Are secretly dating one of the anime characters.
Fake Anime Lovers: Don't even know the characters names!

Real Anime Lovers: Know almost 10 song opening lyrics in japanese
Fake Anime Lovers: Wouldn't probably bother to even listen to a song.

Real Anime Lovers: Have at least 1 Manga.
Fake Anime Lovers: Claim they have more Manga than you.

Real Anime Lovers: Were born to adore anime.
Fake Anime Lovers: Claim to have known anime for their entire lives.

Real Anime Lovers: Cry when a character dies.
Fake Anime Lovers: Think the show you watch is very strange.

Real Anime Lovers: Would comment, like and repost.
Fake Anime Lovers: Would keep scrolling.

True Enough

Aqua Timez 14th single released on Februari 22nd..!!!!

Finally Aqua Timez officially announce the date release of their 14th single "MASK" on February, 22nd 2012 soon. As we know, this song will be ending theme of anime Bleach that will on air on 10th January next year. 

Specification :


As the additional information, this single also available in limited edition with present "wide stamps" bleach. About song amount and song title information is still can't be informed.
Minna san, matte kudasai ne...!!

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Perkembangan Komik Indonesia

Komik Indonesia zaman dulu
 Cara bercerita dengan menggunakan gambar sudah dikenal di Indonesia sejak zaman kerajaan-kerajaan di kepulauan nusantara. Salah satu contoh cara bercerita menggunakan gambar ini pada masa purbakala adalah relief-relief yang terdapat pada candi-candi yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.
 Komik Indonesia lahir pada 1931 ketika harian Sin Po memuat komik humor yang menceritakan tentang seorang tokoh gendut Put On, karya Kho Wang Gie. Kemudian disusul dengan mingguan Star Magazine yang memuat Si Tolol, dan Star Weekly dengan Oh Koen. Komik Indonesia pada awal kelahirannya dapat di bagi menjadi dua kategori besar, yaitu komik strip dan buku komik. Di awal tahun 1950-an, salah satu pionir komik bernama Abdulsalam menerbitkan komik strip heroiknya di harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, Yogyakarta, salah satunya berjudul “Kisah Pendudukan Jogja”, bercerita tentang agresi militer Belanda ke atas kota Yogyakarta. Komik ini kemudian dibukukan oleh harian “Pikiran Rakyat” dari Bandung. Sebagian pengamat komik berpendapat bahwa inilah buku komik pertama-tama oleh artis komik Indonesia.

Hingga pada tahun 1954, banyak komikus Indonesia yang menjiplak dan melakukan imitasi terhadap cerita-cerita serta superhero dari komik-komik barat. Selain itu juga banyak dibuat komik-komik yang menceritakan kisah-kisah perjuangan kemerdekaan hingga kepada dongeng dan legenda. Hingga pertengahan tahun 1971, judul komik Indonesia yang terbit dan beredar berada di atas angka 800.

Periode 1970-an muncul banyak komik fantasi Indonesia, yang merupakan pengaruh masuknya komik superhero Amerika terbitan Marvel Comics, DC Comics, dan lainnya. Bahkan beberapa komikus banyak beralih membuat komik fantasi seperti Kus Bram. Selain itu juga muncul genre silat dengan fantasi dan mistik. Sayangnya perkembangan komik Indonesia yang pernah mengalami masa keemasan tersebut mulai surut sekitar tahun 1970, disusul dengan masuknya komik-komik lisensi yang diterbitkan di Indonesia, seperti misalnya Tintin, Lucky Luke, Richie Rich, Casper, Smurf dan lain-lain. Sekitar tahun 1990 mulai masuk komik-komik dari Jepang (Candy- candy, Doraemon, Kung Fu Boy) dan Hong Kong (Tiger Wong, Tapak Sakti).

Gerakan komik lokal 90-an. Setelah kemandegan komik lokal hingga awal 90-an, generasi baru mulai muncul. Generasi baru 90-an sebagian besar adalah para mahasiswa perguruan tinggi di kota-kota besar terpusat di Jakarta, Bandung, Yogya pelan-pelan mulai membangun frame gerakan komik masing-masing. Komikus-komikus muda cenderung menerima pengaruh dari style komik Jepang dan Amerika. Meski tidak semua mengadopsi gaya tersebut, tapi pilihan terhadap gaya Jepang atau Amerika nampak pada komikus atau studio komik yang lebih berorientasi pada kondisi pasar sekarang.

Ada dua aliran utama yang mendominasi komik modern Indonesia, yaitu Amerika (lebih dikenal dengan comics) dan Jepang (dengan stereotype manga).

Salah satu komik yang diterbitkan KOLONI
Belakangan, Komik Indonesia yang banyak diterbitkan oleh KOLONI, salah satu lini penerbitan komik milik m&c Gramedia Grup, lebih banyak menampilkan komik Indonesia dengan gaya gambar "manga". Beberapa komikus sepakat, Komik Indonesia adalah komik yang dibuat (cerita dan/atau gambarnya), diproduksi, disebarluaskan, oleh komikus & orang-orang Indonesia. dan DI INDONESIA.
Beberapa nama komikus Indonesia yang sedang naik daun sekarang contohnya Is Yuniarto, Mazjojo, Galang Tirtakusuma, Aloysius Alfa, Anca Sulaiman, dll. Dan beberapa studio komik yaitu LESEHAN, KOMIKERS, dll.

Satu hal yang sangat ironis, sekarang banyak komikus muda sibuk dituntut untuk membuat “komik Indonesia”, padahal sebagian besar dari mereka hanya sempat membaca 1 atau 2 buah karya “leluhurnya”. Karena itulah banyak komikus muda yang sulit menemukan gambaran yang sempurna tentang komik Indonesia yang ideal. Padahal kalau dicermati, komik Indonesia masa lalu mengungkap fakta bahwa sejak dahulu para komikus senior tidak pernah memusingkan tentang bagaimanakah “komik Indonesia” yang sebenarnya. Terbukti bahwa mereka juga terpengaruh oleh komik-komik asing pada masa itu. Yang jelas, mereka membuat karyanya dengan sepenuh hati dan jujur, terlihat dari alur cerita yang menarik, karakter yang kuat, serta teknik berkomik yang luar biasa. Maju terus KOMIK INDONESIA! :)

Borobudur's Reliefs

At every level of Borobudur, carved reliefs on temple walls. These reliefs read according to the clockwise or called mapradaksina in Old Javanese language derived from Sanskrit meaning is east.
These reliefs variety of story content, among other reliefs Jataka stories (a collection of stories about the lives of the Buddha when he was an animal form, before he became Siddharta Gautama) 

The walls of the first gallery have two superimposed series of reliefs; each consists of 120 panels. The upper part depicts the biography of the Buddha, while the lower part of the wall and also balustrades in the first and the second galleries tell the story of the Buddha's former lives. The remaining panels are devoted to Sudhana's further wandering about his search, terminated by his attainment of the Perfect Wisdom.

The law of karma (Karmavibhangga)

 The 160 hidden panels do not form a continuous story, but each panel provides one complete illustration of cause and effect. There are depictions of blameworthy activities, from gossip to murder, with their corresponding punishments. There are also praiseworthy activities, that include charity and pilgrimage to sanctuaries, and their subsequent rewards. The pains of hell and the pleasure of heaven are also illustrated. There are scenes of daily life, complete with the full panorama of samsara (the endless cycle of birth and death).

The story of Prince Siddhartha and the birth of Buddha (Lalitavistara)

The story starts with the descent of the Lord Buddha from the Tushita heaven, and ends with his first sermon in the Deer Park near Benares. The relief shows the birth of the Buddha as Prince Siddhartha, son of King Suddhodana and Queen Maya of Kapilavastu (in present-day Nepal).
The story is preceded by 27 panels showing various preparations, in heavens and on earth, to welcome the final incarnation of the Bodhisattva. Before descending from Tushita heaven, the Bodhisattva entrusted his crown to his successor, the future Buddha Maitreya. He descended on earth in the shape of white elephants with six tusks, penetrated to Queen Maya's right womb. Queen Maya had a dream of this event, which was interpreted that his son would become either a sovereign or a Buddha.
While Queen Maya felt that it was the time to give birth, she went to the Lumbini park outside the Kapilavastu city. She stood under a plaksa tree, holding one branch with her right hand and she gave birth to a son, Prince Siddhartha. The story on the panels continues until the prince becomes the Buddha.

The stories of Buddha's previous life (Jataka) and other legendary persons (Avadana)

Jatakas are stories about the Buddha before he was born as Prince Siddhartha. It is the stories that tell about the previous lives of the Buddha, in both human and animal form. The future Buddha may appear in them as a king, an outcast, a god, an elephant—but, in whatever form, he exhibits some virtue that the tale thereby inculcates. Avadanas are similar to jatakas, but the main figure is not the Bodhisattva himself. The saintly deeds in avadanas are attributed to other legendary persons. Jatakas and avadanas are treated in one and the same series in the reliefs of Borobudur.
The first 20 lower panels in the first gallery on the wall depict the Sudhanakumaravadana or the saintly deeds of Sudhana. The first 135 upper panels in the same gallery on the balustrades are devoted to the 34 legends of the Jatakamala. The remaining 237 panels depict stories from other sources, as do for the lower series and panels in the second gallery. Some jatakas stories are depicted twice, for example the story of King Sibhi (Rama's forefather).

Sudhana's search for the Ultimate Truth (Gandavyuha)

Gandavyuha is the story told in the final chapter of the Avatamsaka Sutra about Sudhana's tireless wandering in search of the Highest Perfect Wisdom. It covers two galleries (third and fourth) and also half of the second gallery; comprising in total of 460 panels. The principal figure of the story, the youth Sudhana, son of an extremely rich merchant, appears on the 16th panel. The preceding 15 panels form a prologue to the story of the miracles during Buddha's samadhi in the Garden of Jeta at Sravasti.

During his search, Sudhana visited no less than 30 teachers but none of them had satisfied him completely. He was then instructed by Manjusri to meet the monk Megasri, where he was given the first doctrine. As his journey continues, Sudhana meets (in the following order) Supratisthita, the physician Megha (Spirit of Knowledge), the banker Muktaka, the monk Saradhvaja, the upasika Asa (Spirit of Supreme Enlightenment), Bhismottaranirghosa, the Brahmin Jayosmayatna, Princess Maitrayani, the monk Sudarsana, a boy called Indriyesvara, the upasika Prabhuta, the banker Ratnachuda, King Anala, the god Siva Mahadeva, Queen Maya, Bodhisattva Maitreya and then back to Manjusri. Each meeting has given Sudhana a specific doctrine, knowledge and wisdom. These meetings are shown in the third gallery.

After the last meeting with Manjusri, Sudhana went to the residence of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra; depicted in the fourth gallery. The entire series of the fourth gallery is devoted to the teaching of Samantabhadra. The narrative panels finally end with Sudhana's achievement of the Supreme Knowledge and the Ultimate Truth.

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Ninomiya (ARASHI) Doko ni Demo Aru Uta Lyric

Nani ga seikai de Nani ga machigae de
Dakara "daijoubu" Nante icchatte
Sono kotoba ga jibun wo Keshiteku kara
Sore ga ichiban kowai koto dakara

Meippai sakebe "Koko ni iru yo" tte akashi no you ni
Bokura wa sonna yowaku wa nai Demo tsuyoku mo nai kara
Dakara naite iinda Hazukashii koto janai
Asu ga aru hito shika dekinai koto dakara Asu e no aizu dakara

Naite Motomete Koronde Mata naite
Kimi wa Soushite Otona ni natte

Kizutsuku koto wo osorete 
Zutto naku no wo gaman shitetara warae nakunatteta

Kidzuitara hitori ni natte kowakatta
Sono toki sashidashite kureta anata no koe ga itai hodo yasashikute
Naiteita shitara "anta ga nakimushi da" tte iu kara
"Anta mo da yo" nante itte mitara Raku ni natteta Waratteta

Itsumo mitai ni Fuzaketa koto iiatte
Natsukashii nante iwanai de ima wo Soko ni aru ima wo nigiri shimete

Hora, iki wo sutte haite Ikiteiru
Ippo ippo aruiteiru Tada sore dake de ii

Daijoubu bokura wa zutto koko ni iru yo
Dakara subete sarake dashite mite
Saa, mune wo hatte ieba iinda
Sore ga bokura da

Zutto Zutto zutto

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

New School, New Friends, New Life

Yeah long time already not update this blog. This blog actually made for school, but because not considered as well I'd better tell us a bit about my life :)

About six months I have been a student in SMAN 10 Samarinda. My school is a boardingschool. So all students are required to live in dorm. First time living in the dorms is very tiring, because we must get up very early and lots of activities that must be followed in addition to dormitories in the school activities. But now it is very enjoyable because we have become accustomed.

This is  the dorm (this is the boy's dorm, I did not get girl's dorm photos)

it's my school, very green right? :)

And here I have a lot of new friends who come from various areas in East Kalimantan.From Tarakan, Balikpapan, Penajam, Tanjung Selor, and much moreAnother demand is that we must know the name of our armed friends. And that makesus closer to each other. We're all family here, like grief addressed together :D

atmosphere in the hallway while waiting for the next hour lesson (really full right?)
This is the first post, because it was going to eat so not have time anymore. Next time I'llwrite again. See ya :D